
Hotel Booking

Tour Booking


Online Course Booking

WooCommerce Bookings Add-ons

Recurring Booking using WooCommerce Recurring Bookings add-on

This demo is created using the WooCommerce Bookings and Appointments Plugin ($99) and the WooCommerce Recurring Bookings and Appointments add-on ($59)

Multiple Non-Adjacent Days Booking using WooCommerce Multiple Non-Adjacent Booking add-on

This demo is created using the WooCommerce Bookings and Appointments Plugin ($99) and the WooCommerce Multiple Non-Adjacent Bookings add-on ($59)

Bookings and appointments plugin Integrations with other plugins

Bookings with Multiple Fields – Product Add-on Integration

This demo is created using the WooCommerce Bookings and Appointments Plugin and the PH WooCommerce Product Addons Plugin

Partial Payment – WooCommerce Deposits Integration

This demo is created using the WooCommerce Bookings and Appointments Plugin and the WooCommerce Deposits Plugin

Types of Booking Calendars Available